How to Save Money at the Atlantis
If you're planning a trip to the Atlantis, then you've probably budgeted a couple thousand dollars for your airfare and hotel fees, but have you planned for the estimated $300-plus, per day, that it costs just to feed a family of four? Knowing some tips for saving money on food, and other items, while on your dream vacation is key to being able to return home without fear of your next credit card bill. Here are four tips to save money at the Atlantis:
Opt for the cheapest room that will be comfortable for your family. You didn't travel thousands of miles just to hang out in a ornately decorated room and watch television all day, did you? You should get a room that is big enough for your family, but there's no need to splurge on the higher priced rooms since you'll be spending most of your time exploring the many activities that the resort provides. That said, do make sure the room has enough beds and will be suitable should you end up stuck in there with a sick child or due to bad weather.
Don't forget your sunscreen. While the resort has plenty of shops that sell sunscreen, and other necessary sundries, you'll find that they are extremely expensive compared to what you can get at your local supermarket. If you do find that you forgot something, take a walk outside the resort and buy it at a local store instead.
Eat breakfast in your room. When you arrive, head off-site to a supermarket and pick up granola bars, yogurt, muffins and any other must-have breakfast items for your crew. By avoiding on-site restaurants for breakfast, you could knock $300 off of a five-day stay. Also stock up on bottles of water and snack items so you're not tempted to buy overpriced potato chips at the guest shop when you get the midnight munchies.
Skip the souvenirs. If your kids are little, bring a few trinkets that you bought at home along with you. When they start begging to buy something, tell them there are souvenirs in the room and they'll get one at the end of the day. For older kids, this provides a great lesson in finance and priorities. Explain that you're on vacation as a family, so money will be spent on experiences that create lasting memories, not t-shirts that will be in next summer's garage sale.
Keep these in mind as you plan your vacation to the Atlantis. They're painless ways that can save you hundreds of dollars--dollars that are better spent swimming with sea creatures and splurging on an in-room babysitter so you and your partner can enjoy an evening child-free!
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